Program at a Glance

Program at a Glance

DAY 1 (July 8. Fri) DAY 2 (July 9. Sat)
Symposium 1.
To the basic: inguinal hernia surgery
09:00~10:00 Oral/Video presentation
10:00~11:00 Symposium 5.
Master class of open inguinal hernia repair
Symposium 2.
Where is our ventral hernia surgery going?
12:00~13:00 Special lecture
Luncheon symposium 1
Presidential lecture 13:00~14:00 Luncheon symposium 2
Symposium 3.
Anatomy: from basic to clinic
14:00~15:00 Symposium 6.
Education and training
Symposium 4.
Challenges: robotic hernia repair
16:00~17:00 Symposium 7.
Preventing of postoperative complications
  17:30~ Closing ceremony